Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Technology Cartoon

This technology cartoon is showing an older man who is used to dated technology, like a VCR which played video cassettes. VCR’s were before we got DVD’s. The older man explains to the young children that he is amazed by how well they can run technology because he still can’t even figure out how to change the time on his VCR to stop blinking 12 o’clock. The young boys are confused by what a VCR is because all they probably know about is a DVD player. One asks the other if he knows what a VCR is and the boy responds with “google it” as they are sitting at a computer. I probably use the phrase “google it” more than once on a daily basis. Technology has become something we depend on to find things out that we don’t know. We let the technology, like the internet, think for us instead of trying to figure it out for our self.

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