Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Technology Effects Me

My iphone has become my security blanket. I have it with me all day, every day and I am probably on it over half the day. When I was younger having a phone was for emergencies and being able to get ahold of a family member. As I got older and got my iphone, I still have it for those two reasons but many more reason have been added to why my phone is so important to me. My iphone lets me communicate with friends instantly, gets me wi-fi wherever I am so I can access the internet at the touch of an app. My phone lets me know right away when I get an e-mail, text, call, facebook notification, a tweet, or a voice mail. It contains my life; phone numbers, things to remember, lists, pictures, videos and music. I have become dependent on my phone. I’m always reaching for it just to check the time of the day and the date. Before I had a phone, I really don’t know how I survived. Recently, I miss placed my old iphone while I was doing laundry. Once I noticed I hadn’t been on it for a while, I began frantically running around my house looking for my phone. I tore my bed apart, didn’t find it and began to walk down stairs to look in the couches.. As I walked past the laundry room, I heard a CLUNK… CLUNK... CLUNK… sound coming from the washing machine, instantly, I stopped at the door. “I would never!” was the first thought that came into my head. But I did, I put my iphone 4 into the washing machine while I was doing laundry. I went three days without my iphone and I felt almost as if I was going into a deep depression. Everywhere I went without my phone I felt naked. There was no way to fix my phone that had been submerged in soap and water while being spun around by the machine. I ended up putting down a lot of money to get what I consider “my life” back in a new and improved phone, the iphone 4s. I have treated it as if it were my child since day one. I am obsessed with my phone, and there is no other way to put it.

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