Sunday, April 29, 2012

How Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg Are Changing Politics

Summary and Response

Rettig, J. (2010, How facebook and mark zuckerberg are changing politics. U.S.News & World        Report, , 1.;
            Quickly, Facebook made its way to the top of the social and political lives of people. Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, attended Harvard University and thought up the idea of Facebook in his dorm room. Facebook is now a global phenomenon. The company of Facebook is on a path to taking over the internet. It has been introduced all over the world! Zuckerbergs idea of Facebook is from idealism. If you want people to know about something, you get on Facebook and you post about it. Once you post it, there is an extremely good chance of what you had to say, will become viral. Facebook is a platform for protest in Indonesia, Egypt and Columbia. Facebook was a huge part of the election for Obama. If you want something to be known, you would be crazy to ignore Facebook. It is a tool for empowerment for people who aren’t exactly on the top of their game and this makes leaders very uncomfortable. Facebook can be your best friend or it can be your worst enemy. It will spread both good and bad information very quickly.
            I have watched the movie called Social Network that tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg. I never understood how and idea for a social network could be created so quickly and randomly. I know how fast Facebook can spread information, anything you say on it can and will become viral. If you want someone or something to be known, your best bet is to get onto Facebook and post about it. Friends of friends find out about it and from there is blows up. Mark Zuckerburg created something that can inform people of anything at any moment! I think this article explains what Facebook can do perfectly!

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